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PhD Student

Vinu Nair
Vinu Nair, M.Sc.

Building 9
Room 132

Phone +49 7121 271 3142

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Vinu Nair
Vinu Nair, M.Sc.

Building 9 , Room 132

Phone +49 7121 271 3142


I am a research associate in the cognitive systems research group. Before, I have studied Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (M.Sc.) at University of Applied Sciences, DARMSTADT and Electronics and Communications Engineering (B.Tech.) at Cochin University of Science and Technology.

My work focuses on machine learning approaches on human awareness modelling.




V. V. Nair, M. Rehmann, S. de la Rosa and C. Curio, "Investigating Drivers’ Awareness of Pedestrians Using Virtual Reality towards Modeling the Impact of External Factors,"2024 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Jeju Island, Korea, Republic of, 2024, pp. 3001-3008, doi: 10.1109/IV55156.2024.10588734.


Nair, Vinu Vijayakumaran, Daniel Kuhn, and Vera Hummel. “Development of an easy teaching and simulation solution for an autonomous mobile robot system.” Procedia Manufacturing 31 (2019): 270-276.