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Bild der Wissenschaft - Gestaltung Digitaler Zukunft im Südwesten

Our neurorobotics research project was featured in a special publication from the BW-Württemberg foundation “Wie Forscher aus dem Südwesten die digitale Zukunft gestalten [www]" in the December 2018 edition of the German science magazine “Bild der Wissenschaft”.

As part of the KONSENS-NHE projects we were featured with our Neurorobotics project together with our research partners from Tübingen and Stuttgart.

See in particular our article [Griff-Technik fuer die gelähmte Hand [pdf]] (

On television there has been also a more general SpiegelTV-documentary [youtube] on this project.

We are excited to contribute with our work on articial vision to potentially assist humans in need.