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New research paper at IEEE ICCV

Congrats to Lennart Bramlage on his first year P.h.D paper. We are glad to present new results from our research transfer activity together with the CONTINENTAL AG. We will present new joint work on modelling plausible uncertainties in deep neural networks, e. for human pose regression. Insights are valuable for building the next generation of embedded perceptive camera sensor technologies for build safer and energy efficient systems. The results have implications on deep learning technologies.  The papser is presented at the IEEE International  Conference for Computer Vision in Paris, 2-6 Oct. Please visit us and come to our poster.

Bramlage L., Karg M., Curio C., "Plausible Uncertainties for Human Pose Regression", 2023 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Paris, France, 2023