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KI Delta Learning

We are partner in KI Delta Learning, a new automotive AI project funded by the German ministry for the next three years.

More info soon

Basic data
Project duration:January 2020 - December 2022         
Funded by:BMWi
Coordinator:Mercedes AG
Project Partners:Daimler AG, BMW, Volkswagen AG, Robert Bosch GmbH, Valeo Schalter und Sensoren GmbH, Visteon Electronics germany GmbH, CMORE Automotive GmbH, Hella Aglaia Mobile Vision GmbH, FZI

For more detailed information visit the project website.

Project Lead
Cristóbal Curio

Cristóbal Curio, Prof. Dr.-Ing. | +49 7121 271 4005

Michael Brunner (geb. Essich)

Michael Brunner (geb. Essich), M.Sc. | +49 7121 271 - 4041

Markus Rehmann

Markus Rehmann, M.Sc. | +49 7121 271 - 4093